Class of 1942
Click on name to view yearbook page
Robert Cook Acton
Helen Louise Black
Nancy Jane Agle
Irene Elizabeth Alberts
Betty Lou Allen
Betty Jane Allen
Rosalie Bernice Alen
Ruth E. Allison
Alberta Marie Anderson
Marvin Moore Anderson
Norma Geane Anderson
Richard R. Anderson
Mildred J. Archie
Dewey S. Arnold
Jeanne Phyllis Arnold
Jack Kenneth Armstrong
Jeanne Rae Armstrong
Charles W. Ashley
Elizabeth Babalis
Fred O. Baer
Richard L. Baker
Floretta Ball
Marjorie Delaney Ball
Rollin F. Ballentine
James Ward Ballentine
Janet M. Bartens
Fern Ioula Bauer
Harold James Bauer
Robert E. Bauer
Magdalene Baumgardner
Barbara Lou Beals
Dona M. Bean
Elmer R. Bean
John Paul Beatty
Paul N. Becker
Elmer Dewey Bellar
James R. Bellar
Donna Jeanne Beekman
Gloria Benson
Genevieve B. Bishop
John Hamilton Black
Helen Louise Blair
Mary M. Blair
Charlotte R. Blake
Evelyn Jeanette Blackwell
Mary E. Blessing
Harley Eugene Blevins
June E. Boehmler
Fred Ellsworth Borden
Norman E. Bowser
Elizabeth K. Brain
Carl Edward Brammer
Jesse Thomas Brammer
Marjorie Ann Brandle
Ruby Mae Bray
Betty Jean Brehm
Edith Louise Brewer
Richard Joseph Broderick
Mildred N. Brown
Dorothy Bruce
Joseph Charles Brucher
Dorothy Bryan
Lorea Hope Bryan
Bruce B. Bucher
Opal Lenore Buell
Russel Rodger Burk
James F. Burleigh
Max H. Burns
Betty Irene Burton
Willa Frances Butler
Forest Lorten Byerman
Conley Caldwell
James Caldwell
Virginia I. Caldwell
Robert G. Callison
Roger H. Campbell
Paul Carnes
Robert E. Carr
Wilber W. Carr
Robert Ernest Carson
Lottie Bell Casey
Horace T. Castillo
Elizabeth H. Chaney
Flora Theresa Ciavarella
Edward Cranston Clark
Marguerite C. Clark
Louis E. Cline
Robert Donald Collette
Ethel Jeanette Collier
Wilma Collier
John Patrick Collins
Harry L. Comer
Florence Arlene Compton
Hall Wesley Compton
Richard A. Compton
Margaret Ann Connally
Mary Elizabeth Connally
Barbara Lucille Cook
Norma L. Cook
Sara M. Cooey
Patti Ann Cornwell
Robert Jacob Cozad
Robert Eugene Crabbe
Martha Ann Crabill
James Carleton Crabtree
Charlie W. Craig
Doris Crain
Robert B. Crane
Ruth Louisa Crockett
Jeanne Victoria Curl
Lavonia Curtis
Harold Wendell Cushman
Rudy D’Antione
Clara Louise Davis
John D. Davis
Lillian C. Davis
Robert D. Davis
Stella Mae Davis
William Elbert Davis
Homer Owen Daye
David Eugene Dean
Barbara L. Deer
Arthur Dennis
Dale Edward Dent
Jack H. Descombes
Bill Deselem
William L. Deutsch
Ruth Alice Dewitt
Helen Virginia Dillahunt
Wilma Jean Dillahunt
A. Ted Dingeldein
Al Jenkins Dinges
Margaret Louise Dinkle
Lawrence R. Dipert
Marjorie Anne Dodson
Bobbie Dell Dover
H. Robert Dunn
Charles R. Dyke
Harold Robert Eakman
Mildred A. Eancheff
Carl Edward Eckard
Doris A. Edington
Martha E. Edmondson
Carol Elaine Edwards
James W. Ehrle
Mary Louise Ehrle
Phillip Allen Ehrle
Robert Huber Eldridge
Imogene Elix |
Patricia Ann Elliott
Harold M. Ellis
Robert Edwin Ellsworth
Ora Jean Elston
Carolyn Engle
Peggy Ann Engle
Margery Louise Erbe
Orvella Inez Evans
Rena Margaret Evans
Phyllis Eileen Evilsizor
Josephine Helen Fagan
Laddie E. Farish
Norma Jean Fennessy
Donna Kathryn Ferree
Lowell L. Ferryman
Norma Jean Fetter
Maxine Mast Fidler
Mary Margaret Fillmore
Stella Alta Finney
Albert J. Fitzer
Thomas W. Flarida
Mary Alice Fleming
Donald W. Foley
Betty Jean Ford
Mary J. Ford
Iris Gretchen Foster
Phyllis Jean Foster
Richard Foster
Precious Jewel Freeman
Mable Elizabeth Fry
Peggy Jeanne Fryant
Robert Gallagher
Eugene E. Garrety
John Edward Garritty
J. Don Gast
Carl C. Gebhardt
Dorothy Virginia Gebhardt
Jean A. Geis
Donna Mae Gibson
Audra Vivian Gillespie
Earl Eugene Gipson
Edward Thomas Gleadell
Roger A. Glendening
Robert Arthur Gonser
Clarence R. Gordon
Martha Pearl Goss
Jack M. Grant
Betty Jean Gray
Hazel Belle Green
Elizabeth Ann Greenawalt
Roger H. Grist
Donald E. Grindle
Brady Lee Griffith
Howard Webster Grisso
Virginia Ann Groff
Judy Grube
Norma Jane Grube
Alice C. Haas
Jeanne Phyllis Hale
Clarabelle Hamilton
Russell W. Harber
Eileen Harkins
Richard Leslie Harnish
Richard Garey Harris
Betty Helen Harrod
Lucia Harter
Martin A. Hartman
Anna Ruth Hastings
Allan Hauck
Marjorie Lee Hause
Patricia Ann Hayes
Vivian Elaine Haynes
Gloria Mae Hawken
Richard F. Hazelton
Robert Thomas Heisler
Harry Harland Heaton
Mary L. Heaton
John P. Hermesch
Ruby Lucille Henderson
James William Hennessy
Robert A. Henson
Lawrence J. Hershberger
Donald P. Herzog
Robert L. Hess
Betty Jane Hewitt
Jane Nannette Hickman
Jack B. Hickman
Billy L. Hill
John S. Hill, Jr.
Donna L. Hiller
Rosemary Alice Himes
Mary Jane Hines
Ernest Hinton
Amy Hirtzinger
Betty Louise Hites
Laura M. Hockett
Alice Marie Hohlmayer
Juanita V. Hoisington
Rodger Dale Holderby
Betty Lou Holl
Paul Marvin Holl
Dordeen H. Holland
Albert E. Hollowell
Gail Hopkins
June M. Hopkins
Jack Elliott Horton
John M. Houston
Walter H. Howard
John J. Hudson
Edna Mae Huggins
Richard Henry Hunter
F. Lucille Inglehart
Isabelle Ingram
Janet Ruth Irie
Joann Irwin
John W. Jansen
Betty Lois Jefferson
Betty Lou Jenkins
Stanley Jenkinson
Owen B. Jennings
Margaret Karen Jensen
Catherine M. Johnson
Geraldine Ruth Johnson
Jeanette Johnson
Jack Dial Johnson
James Johnson
Eloise Jones
Howard E. Jones
Marian Louise Jones
Mary Lou Jones
Norma Jean Jones
Lorna Jean Jordan
Martha June Joseph
Janice Mae Kaiser
James Carl Keebler
Raymond Whitted Keller
Darlie Mae Kellis
Elizabeth Anne Kelly
Marvin Earl Kenerly
Polly Kent
Gordon H. Kettering
Richard Kincaid
May King
Jack L. Kitchen
Evelyn Knapp
Shirley Ann Knoske
Urban A. Koehler
Frederick I. Kohl
Norman Dean Kohl |
Dottie Lue Koman
Marjorie Anne Krayer
Kahler Martin Kreis
Irma Mae Krumm
Homer Alan Krumm
George H. Kushmaul
Helen Ruth Lambert
Paul Keith Lauver
Robert I. Lauver
Thomas R. Ladermilk
Jean L. Lawrence
Lola Lease
Ruth Virginia Leigh
Wilber F. Leiter
Helen Lewis
John A. Lindsay
Lyman Louis Lippincott
Harry John Little
Everett Lloyd
Beals L. Locher
Cleora Logan
Martha Jean Lohrer
Bertha Margaret Long
Alice June Lorton
Mary Pearl Lorton
Anna Marie Lough
Dora Dean Lough
E. Geneva Lovingood
Alan Lowum
Sally Elizabeth Lucas
Phyllis Lucinda Ludwick
Paul D. Ludwig
Betty Louise Lynch
Issac Mabra
Lenwood Manuel
Elizabeth Ann Marcinko
Homer Stanley Marsh
Jack Massie
Robert Lewis Maute
Mary Ruth Mayer
James Haskell Mayo
Richard John McBride
Donald R. McCartney
Amos Thompson McCarty
Cecil M. McCaughey
Frances McColaugh
Barbara Lee McCoy
Russell Edward McCune
Jack McDaniel
Jeanne E. McDaniel
Jane McDorman
Cliston John McGuire
Lamar Allen McKinnon
Richard M. McLaughlin
Richard G. McMahan
Ella Marian McMillen
William Arthur McNeil
Gordon E. McOwen
Mildred Maxine McPherson
Vergil M. McWhorter
Harold Kenneth Meinberg
Alberta Jean Meredith
Alberta M. Merkle
Margaret Leslie Merrow
Clara Louise Michel
Donald Paul Michel
Charles William Middaugh
Albert Meisse
Eileen Labelle Miley
Barbara Ola Miller
Dorothy Louise Miller
Dorothy Rachel Miller
Ernestine Ellen Miller
Frederick Eugene Miller
Mary E. Miller
Mary Louise Miller
Donald R. Mills
Eula Lee Mills
Anne E. Mitchell
Benjamin F. Moore
Betty Marie Moore
Carolyn J. Moore
Virginia Kathaleen Moore
William P. Moore
Roberta Morgal
Guy E. Morgan, Jr.
Jean Morner
Frank A. Morrin, Jr.
Almira Jean Morris
Mary M. Morris
Dorothy Jean Morrison
Mort Moreland
Kenneth Morse
Margaret Jean Mozier
Edward Earl Muse
Helen E. Myers
Marcus M. Myers, Jr.
Virginia Nagel
Richard A. Naille
Kathryn Marie Newell
Robert Lee Norton
Betty Jane Oesterle
Leonard G. Offenbacher
Dorothy Mae Orr
James I. Palmer
Audrey Mae Parsell
Tula Patsiavos
Margie Jean Patterson
Betty Penny
Robert W. Perrine
Byrne Perry
Marcus O. Peters
Clyde E. Petticrew
Robert T. Petticrew
Robert A. Pettit
Robert Howell Phillips
Shirley Jean Phillips
Lloyd E. Pierce
Doris M. Pierson
R. Dale Plank
Caroll Jane Porter
Marjorie Louise Porter
Henry G. Portz
Gladys Luella Potter
Fred D. Potts
William J. Potts
Herbert W. Powell, Jr.
Betty Ann Rader
Gertrude Rafferty
Robert E. Ransbottom
John M. Recher, Jr.
Catherine V. Recob
Emmett L. Redding, Jr.
Maurice J. Reedy
Mary Margie Reese
Joan Emile Reinheimer
John Benjamin Renner, Jr.
Robert Eugene Renshaw
Mary Ellen Reynard
Marlin G. Rice
Nita Lee Rice
Glenna G. Richards
Frank Richards, Jr.
John C. Richardson
Irene Rife
Bernice Riley
Lloyd Steven Riley
Evelyn Jean Rine
Donald R. Roberts |
Marcella Robinson
Mildred I. Robinson
Betty Jane Robson
Betty Jayne Rockhold
Jean Louise Rolfe
Robert L. Roller
Mary Eloise Roof
Betty Mae Ross
Betty Louise Roush
Norman Lee Rowe
Marlin O. Rower
Carl Rubinoff
Lucile S. Runyan
Beatrice Kaye Rust
Louis E. Rust
Laddie Ruzsa
Paul F. Samuelson
Roger B. Samuelson
Phyllis Scarberry
James P. Schmidt
M. Jean Schmidt
Susan A. Schmitt
Nina Ruth Scifers
Barbara D. Scott
George L. Scott
Helen L. Scott
Janet M. Scott
Lloyd W. Scott
Richard D. Seaman
Charles David Sears
Earnesteen A. Selby
Robert Eugene Sellards
Joan Schafer
Jean Ann Shaw
Mary Louise Shaw
Freeman C. Shera
Kathryn Rosena Shifley
Ruth M. Shoemaker
Sara Louise Shoemaker
Erma Marie Shoop
Gerald Theodore Shoaf
Arthur D. Shy
Roger H. Sigler
Fred S. Silver
Mary E. Singleton
Rosemary Jeanne Slagle
Cynthia Anne Smith
Edna Mae Smith
Ella Louise Smith
Ellen Sue Smith
Juanita Anne Smith
William John Smith
Helen Elizabeth Snider
Lowell Leslie Snider
Paul E. Snyder
Betty Maxine Sourwine
Louis Franklin Sparrow
Frank J. Spayth, Jr.
Sue Stapleton
Sofia Elizabeth Stegers
Kathleen Y. Stemple
Karl Lewis Stephens
Doris June Stevens
Eugene Elden Stevens
Charles Lowell Stoll
Douglas Andrew Stone
Ellen Louise Stowe
Robert Leroy Strickland
Robert A. Strickling
Mary Ellen Stringfellow
Donna Catherine Stroble
Connie I. Strong
John E. Strong, Jr.
Audrey L. Stumpf
Marian L. Swanson
Charles David Sweet
Marion James Swonger, Jr.
Mildred Ann Swords
Joseph E. Tener
Betty Jean Thomas
Clyde Allen Thomas
Lorraine Thomas
Donald F. Thompson
Norma Elaine Thompson
John Alfred Thrasher
Causie Maple Tidwell
Roy Robert Timmons
Fremont Robert Tittle
Virginia Lou Toews
Donald Thomas Trainor
Wanda Dorothea Trenner
Elba Trice
Ruth E. Truman
Joseph E. Tucker
Forrest George Turnbull
M. Maxine Turner
Mary E. Tuttle
Mary Margaret Ullom
Ruth Ester Ustler
W. Brooks Vail
Virginia Anne Vannoy
Evelyn Nell Vermillion
Lloyd W. Vincent
Albert Fredda Vines, Jr.
Donald E. Vinyard
Lester L. Vlahos
Roger E. Vonderheide
Martha M. Votaw
Clover June Walp
Earleen Walls
Clara Helen Warren
Carl Evertt Weaver
Dorothy Ruth Weber
J. Robert Webster
John Edward Webster
Richard Harris Wehler
Maxine E. Weider
Ann E. Weinbrecht
Patricia Ann Weinland
Bessie Whitaker
Donald E. Whitacre
Fred Whitacre
William Robert White
Frances Marie White
Phyllis Arline Whyte
Reba Jeanette Wickline
Harry Thomas Wiegel
George Robert Williams
Warren David Williss
Bettie Jo Wilson
Gladys Deborah Wilson
Laura Josephine Wilson
Robert Wilson
Walter W. Wilson
Roy Winslett
Jane Winwood
George D. Wisler
Betty Carolyn Wobbe
Stanley L. Wojciechowski
James P. Wolf
Martha Lorraine Wood
Patricia Ann Wood
Jeanne E. Wright
James William Wright
Betty Jean Wunderley
Lois E. Wyne
Clair W. Young
Harry E. Young, Jr.
Inez Elaine Young |